Aquarium wenen

  • Fantastische ervaringen · Meerdere talen · Mustsee-attracties.
  • Vienna had to deal with a lot of problems post WWII, including what to do with the huge flak towers.
    Haus des Meeres House of the Sea Vienna is the largest aquarium in Austria with more than 10, animals.
    House of the Sea It is located in Esterhazy Park in the centre of Mariahilf district, one block south of the busy Mariahilfer Straße.
    The Haus des Meeres .
  • Background
  • Inside the Haus des Meeres
  • Tickets & visitor tips
  • Aqua Terra Zoo - The Exotic Marine Aquarium With Diverse Animal Species
  • Ursprünglich ein Flakturm aus dem 2. Weltkrieg, hat sich das Haus in fast 7 Jahrzehnten zu einem wissenschaftlich geführten Zoo mit über Tieren entwickelt.
  • Essentially, you have an aquarium and vivarium, with numerous glassed displays. But that description undersells it. The Haus des Meeres is not just row after row of identikit .
    1. Haus des Meeres - Wikipedia .
      House of the Sea Vienna - Haus des Meeres - Aqua Terra Zoo .

  • aquarium wenen